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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

You Need ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park & Professional Water Damage Restoration


When water damage strikes your home or business, the resulting aftermath can be rather difficult to deal with. And the longer you wait to act, the more difficult and expensive it will be to deal with. In fact, water damage is one of the leading causes of home destruction. This is why it is so important to act fast. This is why you need ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park & Professional Water Damage Restoration.

Water damage can be caused by a number of different sources, ranging from an overflowing toilet to a leaky pipe under your kitchen sink to a broken sewer line or flooding. Each situation is unique and requires a unique approach to water damage restoration. Obviously some situations are easier to resolve than others, but that does not mean that they are any less of an emergency. Even the smallest leak can cause big damage if left alone. Besides structural damage, remember that it does not take much for mold to begin to grow. And that opens up a whole new world of problems. Mold is not only harmful to your home, but also your health. So do the right thing and call ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park at the first sign of water damage. While we hope your home or business is never hit by water damage, ServiceMaster of Lincoln park Chicago is ready to help.

With over 57 years of experience in the business, ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park is one of Chicago's most trusted water damage restoration companies. Our experienced, knowledgeable, and certified licensed restoration technicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to help you in your time of need. We promise to have a technician at your home within hours of your initial call, no matter the time of day.

We know what you are thinking. “Why can’t I just do the job myself?” Well, there are actually several reasons why a do-it-yourself (DIY) restoration is a bad idea. These reasons include:

  1. Equipment: Professional water damage restoration companies have specialized equipment to help them effectively remedy the situation and ensure your property is completely dry.
  2. Safety: With three varying degrees of water damage, ranging from clean water to black water, it is best to leave the restoration to the professionals who know how to deal with each progressively more dangerous and harmful form of water damage.
  3. Hidden Damage: Not all water damage is obvious. Some may be hidden, trapped behind your walls or under your carpet.
  4. Mold: If not dealt with properly, your water damage problem can quickly become a mold problem, as well. So do yourself, and your home or business, a favor and call a professional water damage restoration company. Call ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park!

If you have any questions about why You Need ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park & Professional Water Damage Restoration, please contact us today by calling 773-346-6767 or clicking here!You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well.

Friday, February 26, 2016




  • Comprehensive services including pre-loss contingency planning assistance
  • Emergency loss mitigation response
  • Post-loss clean-up and reconstruction
  • Expert services in emergency mitigation

ServiceMaster Of Lincoln Park ® helps you get back in business quickly.

When disaster strikes, ServiceMaster of lincoln park is the link between you, your customer, and total satisfaction. We minimize business interruptions by quickly analyzing the problem, providing a professional assessment of the damage, determining the services needed for a complete restoration, reviewing scope of services with the adjuster, finishing the job on time, and following up to assure total satisfaction.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Chicago Carpet Cleaning & Steam Cleaning Services

Carpet cleaners chicago

ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park provides Carpet Cleaning Chicago, IL and nearby communities

No item in your home absorbs more than your carpets, and nothing else affects your home’s appearance in quite the same way.

A professional cleaning every six to 12 months helps maintain your carpets’ appearance. ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park has the equipment and expertise to remove dirt, detergent and moisture—unlike rented carpet cleaning equipment, which leaves carpets wet with detergent residue. We work to your specifications and guarantee the job is done right.

ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park exclusive carpet cleaning in Chicago process includes:

  • Preliminary inspection to determine the best cleaning method
  • Pre-treatment of spots and stains
  • Pre-application of cleaning products to loosen ground-in soil
  • Rinsing your carpet with clear, hot water
  • Post-treatment of any residual stains
  • Carpet grooming for efficient drying and a uniform appearance
  • Pads under furniture legs to protect the carpet while it dries
  • Final inspection with you to ensure your complete satisfaction

Green cleaning process

ServiceMaster Clean also offers green cleaning for your carpets. As effective as traditional cleaning, our green cleaning is odorless and solvent-free. It’s the right thing for our customers—and for the environment.