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Monday, June 16, 2014

Chicago Residential Cleaning and a Healthy Home

ServiceMaster of Lincoln park provides Residential Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning in Chicago, Illinois

Nobody has to remind you how cold it is. You’ve spent enough time in the house looking out at the frigid conditions, glad to be indoors. It shouldn’t be a surprise then that the coldest time of the year occurs during National Stay Healthy Month. Though each part of the country adapts that theme to their regional conditions, Chicago residents are contending with colds, flu and respiratory illnesses. The arctic cold isn’t the cause, but it can negatively impact our immune system, putting us at a higher risk to catching some of these nasty seasonal bugs.ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park residential cleaning and carpet cleaning can help eliminate the spread of the flu bug in Chicago.

A big factor working against staying healthy: more people are inside most of the time. The term “cabin fever” may have more to it than a need to be outdoors. The sub-zero climate keeps most people together, exposed to each other and whatever contaminants have settled upon or been ground into their carpets over the fall and early winter. It’s hard to stay healthy in a house that’s not clean. The list of what is lurking in the fibers of your floor coverings may surprise you. Crumbs, spills, decaying food, skin cells, smoke particles and even dust mites may be part of the stuff beneath your feet. The family pets may add to the potpourri in your pile carpet: hair, more dried skin cells, dirt from paws, and traces of the accidents they’ve had in recent months. You can hand clean and spot treat, but you can’t get rid of everything.

You make sure your family eats well, gets a reasonable amount of sleep and gets a flu shot. Why not give them another edge against illness? Call a residential cleaning service. ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park offers expert Residential Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning. We will see that your carpets are healthy again and do the same with your hard surface floor cleaning and upholstery cleaning. Don’t let the National Stay Healthy Month be the month you get sick, call ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park today!

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